Artifact generation

The function data_set_sql_query in mara_schema/ can be used to flatten the entities of a data set into a wide data set table: .. code-block:: python

data_set_sql_query(data_set=order_items_data_set, human_readable_columns=True, pre_computed_metrics=False,

star_schema=False, personal_data=False, high_cardinality_attributes=True)

The resulting SELECT statement can be used for creating a data set table that is specifically tailored for the use in Metabase:

    order_item.order_item_id AS "Order item ID",

    "order".order_id AS "Order ID",
    "order".order_date AS "Order date",

    order_customer.customer_id AS "Customer ID",

    order_customer_favourite_product_category.main_category AS "Customer favourite product category level 1",
    order_customer_favourite_product_category.sub_category_1 AS "Customer favourite product category level 2",

    order_customer_first_order.order_date AS "Customer first order date",

    product.sku AS "Product SKU",

    product_product_category.main_category AS "Product category level 1",
    product_product_category.sub_category_1 AS "Product category level 2",

    order_item.order_item_id AS "# Order items",
    order_item.order_fk AS "# Orders",
    order_item.product_revenue AS "Product revenue",
    order_item.revenue AS "Shipping revenue"

FROM dim.order_item order_item
LEFT JOIN dim."order" "order" ON order_item.order_fk = "order".order_id
LEFT JOIN dim.customer order_customer ON "order".customer_fk = order_customer.customer_id
LEFT JOIN dim.product_category order_customer_favourite_product_category ON order_customer.favourite_product_category_fk = order_customer_favourite_product_category.product_category_id
LEFT JOIN dim."order" order_customer_first_order ON order_customer.first_order_fk = order_customer_first_order.order_id
LEFT JOIN dim.product product ON order_item.product_fk = product.product_id
LEFT JOIN dim.product_category product_product_category ON product.product_category_fk = product_product_category.product_category_id

Please note that the data_set_sql_query only returns SQL select statements, it’s a matter of executing these statements somewhere in the ETL of the Data Warehouse. Here is an example for creating data set tables for Metabase using Mara Pipelines.

There are several parameters for controlling the output of the data_set_sql_query function:

  • human_readable_columns: Whether to use “Customer name” rather than “customer_name” as column name

  • pre_computed_metrics: Whether to pre-compute composed metrics, counts and distinct counts on row level

  • star_schema: Whether to add foreign keys to the tables of linked entities rather than including their attributes

  • personal_data: Whether to include attributes that are marked as personal data

  • high_cardinality_attributes: Whether to include attributes that are marked to have a high cardinality

Mara schema SQL generation